Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby Pockets.

A friend of mine on FaceBook posted a status this past week:

Dear Carters clothing company - Just what does a 5 month old put in the pockets you sew in
to your

It's a good question. I'd like to know, too. Paxton has several different pairs of pants from several different manufacturers, including Carters, and mos
t of them have pockets. Not fake pockets, either, but actual pockets sewn into the front of tiny baby jeans.

The only objects I can think of that would fit into these pockets are items that are not age-appropriate for a five-month-old. Here's my list:

  • A couple quarters, for when baby has to seek out a pay phone and call mommy to pick them and their friends up from the mall.
  • A Volkswagen key fob, for those occasions where baby is the designated driver.
  • An iPod shuffle, because you can't expect baby to function without tunes.
  • A USB flash drive, so that baby can take his important files anywhere.
  • A bottle of nail polish, for the baby who likes to accessorize.
  • A prescription medication bottle, because babies like to have their medication close at hand.
  • Business cards, because networking isn't just for grown-ups.
  • A square of Russell Stover chocolate, for the baby with a sweet tooth.

What about your baby--what's in their pockets?


  1. My twins stuff their older siblings' toys into their pockets. Legos, Lalaloopsie pets, Star Wars figures, etc.

    Oh, who am I kidding? They mainly wear sleep and plays and those don't have pockets.

  2. So so true! Given you the Liebster Award! Congratulations!!! Pop on over for directions.
